Private Fees

Private Fees 2024

General Dentistry 
New Patient Exam£98
Emergency Appointment£149
Routine Exam£49
Intraoral X-rays£9.50
Large OPT£50
Amalgam FillingsFrom £70
Root Canal Treatment (Inclusive X-rays)From £299
ExtractionFrom £135
Crown Recement£75
Night Bite Guard£120
Sport MouthguardFrom £100
Hygiene Treatment 
Hygiene 20 mins appointment£50
Hygiene Implant maintenance (Airflow)£65
Hygiene Implant maintenance£90
Hygiene with periodontal treatmentFrom £100
Cosmetic Treatment 
Tooth-coloured fillings (single surface)From £100
Tooth-coloured fillings (multi-surface)From £130
Porcelain Crown/Onlay/Emax£550
Zirconia Crown£499
Porcelain Bridge (Per Unit)£450
Tooth Whitening 
Boutique Home Whitening System£349
Top-up Syringes (Each)£40 each
Top-up Syringes (Buy 4)£140
Teeth Straightening 
Invisalign Consultation£50
InvisalignFrom £3000
Clear Correct AlignersFrom £1390
Clear Correct Aligners (Extended)From £2850
Removable Retainers (Each)£125
Bonded Retainers£200
Dental Implants 
Implant Consultation£75
CBCT (In-house)£130
Dental ImplantFrom £1850
Bone Graft (Per Site)From £350
All on Four (Implant Retained Full Arch)From £9000
Acrylic PartialFrom £800
Acrylic Full Upper or LowerFrom £800
Acrylic Dentures Full Set (Upper and Lower)From £1200
Chrome Partial DentureFrom £1200

Dental treatments are bespoke, so a list of every treatment available would run to thousands and would be confusing. Only the most familiar treatments are listed here. If you are interested in a treatment that you do not see listed please ask.
Your dentist may also need to take an x-ray of your teeth to check for any hidden problems, such as decay and bone loss due to gum disease.

Call on 01274 872221 to speak to the reception desk.

Opening Hours
Monday8.00am – 5.30pm
Tuesday8.00am – 5.30pm
Wednesday8.00am – 5.30pm
Thursday8.00am – 5.30pm
Friday8.00am – 5.00pm
SaturdayBy Appointment Only